It’s Pet Day at school. Read the story to find out what pets the children will bring, then, lift the flap to see if you were right!
Author(s): Joy Allcock
Illustrators: Rieko Woodford-Robinson
Sound Focus: Decoding of one-letter, one-sound words and blending skills
Level: 2
Value Packs Available:
Set 1
Set 2
Complete Set
Alignment with Ready to Read Phonics Plus

Word-Level Reading Strategies
Total Word Count: (includes title) 34
16 different words. 8 are high-frequency words and 8 are decodable.
Decodability Criteria: Words in this book are either high-frequency words or are decodable according to the following criteria:
• One letter = one sound (e.g. cat)
Decoding Strategy: Sound out each letter in the decodable words – ‘p’ ‘e’ ‘t’ , ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ , ‘d’ ‘o’ ‘g’, etc, pointing to each letter as your students (or you if
necessary) pronounce the sounds. Ask students (or help them) to blend the sounds together to pronounce the words –‘h’ ‘e’ ‘n’ – hen!
Non-decodable Words: High-frequency words: day, I’ll, bring, my, we’ll, all, our
Important Vocabulary in Text: Animal nouns – cat, dog, pig, hen, ant, rat
Ideas for Teaching Full notes for teaching reading comprehension strategies, phonemic awareness, phonics knowledge, vocabulary knowledge and
fluency can be downloaded below.
It is not expected that this book would be used to teach all areas, but you could choose a particular area to suit the needs of your students and use this book to teach the skills they are developing.
Download Teacher Notes