Camping out is fun but there are lots of things to think about when you’re putting up a tent.
Author(s): Joy Allcock
Illustrators: Penny Newman
Sound Focus: Word endings – ‘k’ sound (including the ck digraph)
Alignment with Ready to Read Phonics Plus

Emergent Level 4
Colour: Red
Value Packs Available:
Set 1
Set 2
Complete Set
You can use the following notes to teach students word-level reading /decoding strategies. More in-depth notes can be downloaded below.
Word-Level Reading Strategies
Total Word Count: (includes Title) 78
56 different words. 35 are high-frequency words, 38 are decodable and 1 is a non-decodable vocabulary word.
Decodability Criteria: Words in this book are either high-frequency words or are decodable according to the following criteria:
• one letter = one sound (e.g. sun)
• doubled letters = one sound (e.g. wood)
• ck spells the ‘k’ sound at the end of words or root words (e.g. truck, quickly).
Decoding Strategy: As well as practising decoding words using one letter and doubled letter – one sound relationships, students are
introduced to the idea that two different letters can also represent one sound. They meet the ck pattern for the ‘k’ sound at the
end of words (and root words, like quickly). The ck for ‘k’ is coded blue in the text to help students notice it. When students
see this pattern, remind them that it will sound like ‘k’. Students will also meet c and k representing the ‘k’ sound.
Non-decodable Words: High-frequency words: a, and, are, at, away, come, dad, do, gets, going, have, I, in, isn’t, more, much, my, not, open, our, put,
quickly, said, some, sun, take, that, the, there’s, to, too, up, we, we’re, we’ll, with
Vocabulary words: whack
Important Vocabulary in Text:
Nouns: camp, spot, tent, rocks, sticks, pegs, truck, grin, flaps, wind
Verbs: camping, pick, take, whack, unpack, stack, open
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