Mum loves breakfast in bed. But when her family bring her fish for breakfast, everyone gets a surprise.
Author(s): Pauline Cartwright
Illustrators: Amy Burrell
Sound Focus: Word endings – er
Alignment with Ready to Read Phonics Plus

Emergent Level 4
Colour: Red
Value Packs Available:
Set 1
Set 2
Complete Set
You can use the following notes to teach students word-level reading/decoding strategies. More in-depth notes can be downloaded below.
Word-Level Reading Strategies
Total Word Count: (includes Title) 82
50 different words. 43 are high-frequency words and 26 are decodable.
Decodability Criteria: Words in this book are either high-frequency words or are decodable according to the following criteria:
• one letter = one sound (e.g. went)
• doubled letters = one sound (e.g. matter)
• er on the end of many words is pronounced like a short ‘u’ (butt ‘uh’, pepp ‘uh’ etc.)
Decoding Strategy: As well as revising previously taught strategies, the focus of this book is to discover that the er pattern on the end of two or
more syllable words, commonly sounds like a short ‘u’ rather than an ‘er’.
This pattern will be bolded when it is pronounced like this. In a word like her it will not be in bold because it sounds like ‘er’. See downloadable teaching notes below for an explanation of this. For example ‘b’ ‘i’ ‘gg’ ‘er’, ‘m’ ‘a’ ‘tt’ ‘er’, ‘b’ ‘a’ ‘tt’ ‘er’ etc.
Non-decodable Words: High-frequency words: another, breakfast, doesn’t, fishing, fish, for, have, her, home, likes, looks, love, made, mine, my, other, oh, says, stayed, surprise, than, the, that, this, was
Important Vocabulary in Text:
Nouns: fish, breakfast, batter, pepper, butter, roll
Verbs: fishing, matter, love
Adjectives: bigger, better, another
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