Joy Allcock on Phonics Word-Level Readers


Joy Allcock is a literacy consultant, author and the creator of the Word Level Readers Systematic Phonics Programme.  Joy has a Master of Education degree from Massey University and, over the last 20 years, she has written and published many books, along with running professional development workshops for teachers around New Zealand and internationally.

I have known Joy Allcock for some decades as the ‘Queen’ of teaching the skills of reading and spelling.
Professor John Hattie (Code-Ed, 2022)

Joy came together with Giltedge Publishing to produce a series of books with a phonics focus to help children with the complex process of learning to read and write English.  As children learn in different ways and some do not find it easy to become confident readers through exposure to print, we need to help improve their literacy skills by teaching the alphabetic code.

After years of experience Joy now knows children learn best from the ‘known’ to the ‘unknown’. Using what children already know (what they have learned naturally through vocab/sound) and linking this to the print on the page.  Teaching from sound to print has been proven to be an effective teaching practice.

Click to view videos from Joy on how to Teach Decoding

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The Shine Project
Between 2014 and 2016 Joy led The Shine Literacy Research Project. The following research showed it was possible to accelerate early literacy achievement for all students in any school by using Joy’s approach to early literacy instruction. This was later presented to the World Literacy Online Summit in 2020.

The Shine Literacy success story results and information about the project can be found following link.

“The data from this project indicate that the Sounds Like Fun approach is related to impressive gains made by the Trial group for key literacy outcome variables, including reading comprehension, reading accuracy, word identification and spelling.”

Professor James Chapman(Code-Ed, 2022)

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A systematic phonics programme



(Ministry Of Education, 2021)


(Ministry Of Education, 2021)

Screen shot of Ministry Education Scope and Sequence(Ministry Of Education, 2021)




Code-Ed. (2022). Code-Ed.

Ministry Of Education. (2021). Ready to Read Phonics Plus / Ready to Read / Instructional Series / Planning for my students’ needs / Literacy Online / English—ESOL – Literacy Online website—English—ESOL – Literacy Online.